The last time Talena's mother Larae White seen her was Wednesday 9 am outside Sharon Rohls with Darion Little Lights in her black car and she told her to go to school and that's the last time she seen her!!
Then Thursday she seen the black car and her stuff where in the car when her mother tried to get them they said she got them!
Talena Boyiddle missing: Help find Talena Boyiddle
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BROWN
Age Now: 15 YEARS
Height: 5' 5''
Weight: 180 LBS.
Date of Last Contact: 03/17/2020
If you have any information about the whereabouts of Talena Boyiddle, please contact the BIA CROW AGENCY at 406-638-2631, or the Montana Missing Persons Clearinghouse at 406- 444-2800.